Over 60 years of Excellence Since 1962

Plan Benefits

  IRS Qualified Plan Dolgoff Non-Qualified Plan
Requires IRS approval and annual filing. Yes No
Ability to pick and choose participants. (Even if it is just stockholder or owner) No Yes
Provide current and deferred tax deductions. No Yes
Limitations on contribution amount Yes No
Availability to use the assets of the plan by the company. No Yes
Current tax deductions can exceed corporate contributions. No Yes
Powerful use of "Golden Handcuffs". No Yes
Provide income benefits should premature disability occur. No Yes
Ability to include as participants in the plan independent contractors and members of the Board of Directors. No Yes
Gives participant two (2) streams of income one potentially tax free, one taxable at retirement or upon a specific date. No Yes
Company receives current tax deductions throughout the program – even when no contributions are made. No Yes
At the end of payout to the participant, the investment asset belongs to the corporation. No Yes
Tax savings on the total tax deductions (both current and deferred) can be greater than the corporate contributions. No Yes
Ability to liquidate the plan prematurely without incurring penalties to either the company or participant. No Yes

The Dolgoff Plan is compliant with all current IRS Tax Codes.